Other Services

Web Design and Graphics
Although we mainly focus on the development phases, we're able to provide comprehensive services by handling aspects related to the user experience, web interfaces, and graphic design.
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We handle the optimisation of the code and the structure of the websites that we develop to assist clients in the phase that follows the actual development, supporting them in web marketing activities.
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Machine learning
Nowadays, machine learning algorithms are widespread. The availability of frameworks and easily integrated platforms ensures that these tools are within a company's reach, using them to increase system performance, support marketing activities, and improve their users' experience. We can help you incorporate these artificial intelligence systems into your next project.
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Many companies have launched experiments with chatbots. For example, over 100,000 bots have been launched on Facebook Messenger and Whastapp Business so far, and over 15,000 Amazon Alexa skills have been created. Find out what chatbots are and if they're right for you.
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CMS customisation
After years of experience on CMSs (WordPress, Magento and Drupal in particular), we now prefer different types of solutions to implement new web services. However, sometimes selecting these types of tools is the right choice if combined with more modern technologies to merge the best that content management offers with client-side plugins to implement advanced features and leverage API components.
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Desktop programs and applications
Despite the evolution in the application of web solutions, there are niche markets where desktop software is still dominant. We use multiplatform technologies to create customised desktop programs that can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux.
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