Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for managing the deployment of applications inside containers.
Application orchestrator
A framework born in the era of container deploymentKubernetes is a project born in Google and which was open sourced in 2014. Its purpose is the management of services installed inside containers (container deployment) and, in particular, the automation of a series of tasks to respond to different load requirements, malfunctions and failures. It can be used as an application orchestrator, to facilitate deployment operations and as a cluster to improve application performance across a system of masters and nodes.
Kubernetes and Docker
Two complementary toolsKubernetes is complementary to Docker and can be used for Docker container orchestration. These two solutions used together are the optimal configuration for applications built with large microservices that need to be scaled down easily.
How do we use Kubernetes?
When to choose an application orchestratorIn the preliminary stages of evaluating the client's requests, analysing their requirements and drawing up specifications, our team at ELbuild appraises the optimal tools for the success of the project. In case you opt for a solution based on microservices, this tool will be useful for managing cases where the number and configuration of containers are such that a framework is needed to automate their management.