Would you like to be able to search for a phrase or a word in millions of documents according to programmable criteria in a few milliseconds? Solr will take care of it.
What is Solr?
An open source semantic search engine, written in Java and based on Apache Lucene.Solr (pronounced 'solar') is an open source product written in Java designed to implement semantic search engines. Its main features include full-text search, result highlighting, multi-faceted search, real-time indexing, dynamic clustering, database integration, NoSQL capabilities, and advanced document management (e.g. Word, PDF). Solr runs as a standalone full-text search server. It uses the Java Lucene search library for indexing and full-text search and has HTTP/XML and JSON APIs similar to REST which means the most popular programming languages can use it. Solr's external configuration allows it to be adapted to many types of applications.
Can I replace my SQL DB with Solr?
SOLR doesn't replace relational DBs; it integrates them and improves the performance of applications that access data.At ELbuild, we use Solr in numerous contexts, integrating it within our e-commerce systems or as a search engine in enterprise products such as the administrative search portal. The typical scenario sees the indexing of heterogeneous content according to a framework and weights established according to the context and the recovery of the record key on the relational DB to be returned to the application. Therefore, we don't use Solr as a DB for application data. Rather, we entrust it with the indexing of content, including the keys in the relational DB, to manage searches in a fast, semantic and relevant manner. If you have an e-commerce or a product that could benefit from an external semantic search engine, contact us, and we'll analyse your case without obligation.