Objective C has always been the language to be used while developing for Apple devices. Although it has been replaced by Swift for mobile development, there are still many applications written in Objective C that need support nowadays.
What is Objective-C?
An elegant concentration of square brackets, established in the 80s, stemming from Smalltalk and at the foundation of many Apple products.Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language developed in the 1980s by Apple. Until the introduction of Swift, it was the main programming language used by Apple for the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch APIs, and for most of its applications, including apps for the iPhone and iPad. At ELbuild, we used it for native applications targeting the iOS platform and desktop applications for Mac.
Consulting, maintenance and porting
Nowadays, an Objective-C application can cause quite a headache. We can help you figure out if it's worth keeping it or porting to Swift.Today, finding expertise in Objective-C can be complex and expensive due to the small number of developers who are familiar with it and their seniority, which is implicitly high on average. At ELbuild, we've been using Objective-C since 2009, from the dawn of app development for the iOS platform. Although we no longer choose it for new projects, we maintain numerous apps written in this language, and we are currently porting complex apps to modern versions of Swift. Contact us to figure out how we can help.